We take the stress out of heart health.

Virtual Sessions

Built by Experts

Money-back Guarantee

Call us now! 213 290-0156

“An at-home heart health program that will change your life...”

80% of heart disease is preventable, but how do you start?

Exercise is confusing

You want to exercise, but it’s hard, confusing, and you don't know what's safe for you.

Change is stressful

You experience negative thoughts about health, self-image, or loneliness but no one understands.

Diets don't really “stick”

You have tried implementing different heart healthy diets, but nothing really "sticks."

We make lasting heart health

Rebuild your heart. Renew your life.

Live sessions with experts through our app.

Lower your cholesterol

Control your blood pressure

Manage your risk factors

Improve cardiovascular function

Our Holistic Program Includes:

Our program is designed specifically with cardiac patients in mind.

Movement Program

Taking from the principles of cardiac rehabilitation, our cardio, mobility, and strength sessions are designed to improve your cardiovascular health

Mental Wellness

Our therapy program helps you build a support network that truly understands your struggles. You’ll build a foundation of tools to help you deal with stress and implement healthy changes.

Nutrition Program

Our nutrition program is focused not only on your heart health, but catered to your taste, habits, and preferences. We get you excited about food again.

The Salus Guarantee

Make an upfront investment in any 12-week package, and we guarantee your success. If you're not satisfied with your progress, every dollar will be returned to you. That's our promise to you.

I felt like I had a community supporting me.

I actually felt like my specific preferences were addressed.

I love how I was given tools that I could actually implement into my daily life.

Having something like this could have saved me 10 trips to the ER.

WIth Salus, I know that I feel heard. Love this program!
I love how I was given tools that I could actually implement into my daily life.
Salus has changed my life. Definitely recommend.
Built by experts. Backed by science.
With a strong belief in functional medicine and the power of small lifestyle changes over time, we have gathered experts across multiple disciplines to ensure an effective and engaging experience.
Karim El-Sherief, MD
Shannon Taft, RN
Cardiac Rehab Specialist
Lena Bakovic, RDN
Registered Dietician
Michael Stephens, LMFT
Licensed Therapist
Arien Smith
Personal Trainer

What clients say!

“Having something like this could have saved me 10 trips to the ER”

Sam Adrian, Businessman

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