80% of deaths from heart disease are preventable with the right diet and lifestyle changes. It has scientifically been proven to actually help reverse them.

A study found that only 30-40% of patients with cardiovascular disease adhere to dietary recommendations over the long term.

It is estimated that only about 5% of adults in the USA follow a healthy diet that is consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Less than 5% of U.S. adults meet recommended intake of fruits and vegetables, while 70%+ consume more sodium recommended for good health.

The WHO estimates poor diets, including those high in salt, unhealthy fats, and added sugars, are responsible for up to 25% of heart disease deaths globally.

Why is Nutrition so Difficult?

Everyone says something different

Combing through the endless amounts of contradicting information is exhausting - leaving you more confused than when you started.

There are no heart specific programs.

There are a lot of great nutrition resources out there, however, they lack the depth and education specific to heart disease.

Advice doesn't fit your lifestyle.

Everyone has different habits, preferences, schedules. That's why generic nutrition guidelines don't work.

Our Cardiac Nutrition Program

Our experts have crafted a nutrition program that will help you:

Optimize your cardiovascular function

Clarify common diet misconceptions and help you understand the science behind foods that help your heart

Implement science based nutrition in a way that suits your needs and preferences

Our Philosophy

Your Story, Your Journey, Your Success

Our first priority is to hear your story, including any struggles or challenges you’ve faced along the way. We take the time to understand your background, your lifestyle, and your preferences to create a success plan that ensures you will achieve your goals.
Helping you Understand the Science

We filter through all the contradictory information to bring you curated, focused, and science backed advice. We further emphasize education so that you can clearly understand what is happening in your body, giving you the knowledge and confidence to thrive.
Breaking Your Habit Barriers

We know that learning is only half the battle. Changing life long habits is a tall order for anybody. We provide you with proven implementation strategies that address the root drivers of behavior change.

Feature Spotlight

Track your goals

Throughout your journey you will be given goals to complete everyday. This has been proven to help with sustaining behavior change.

Accountability Buddies

One study found that people who shared their goals with a friend were 33% more successful in achieving their goals. We help match you with a suitable partner.

The Salus Guarantee

We set goals together. If you don’t achieve your dream outcome after attending 80% of your sessions, the program is entirely free.

Crafted by Experts

Our team consists of nutritionists and registered dietitians who have helped countless patients turn their diet and life around.

Book a Free Session

View Our Programs

Salus Movement Program

Helping you feel confident in your own body again.

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Salus Nutrition Program

Nourish your Heart. Nurture your Health.

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Mental Wellness Program

The body achieves what the mind believes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the program help me understand the long-term impact of nutrition on my overall health and quality of life?

Changing your diet as been proven to not only help prevent, but reverse many heart ailments.  We encourage you to check out the community to learn about how others have turned their lives around and feel better than ever because of nutrition changes.

How does the program accommodate my specific health condition?

Our dietician will council you specific to your condition and you will be put into the correct group with others who have similar needs.

How does the program address my lack of motivation?

Our mental wellness sessions specifically help you overcome any mental barriers.

How does the program accommodate my heart condition?

Our dietician will council you specific to your heart condition and you will be put into the correct group with others who have similar needs.

What makes the nutrition program different from what my doctor has recommended?

Our program takes into account more than just the basics of healthy eating and combines it with mental and behavioral strategies for a holistic approach to nutrition.  We make heart healthy eating easy and exciting.

How does the program help me learn how to cook?

We offer live cooking classes, easy recipe libraries, and a live cooking chatline for ingredient questions. We also connect you with programs that deliver each of your meals and have a wealth of resources for meal planning.

How does the program accommodate eating with my family?

We provide you with tools to address any social conflicts over eating and cater to your specific environment.

How does the program accommodate my cultural eating habits?

We take the time to learn about your background and curate groups so you can learn eating strategies best suited for you. Our community has tons of resources for culture-specific eating.

How does the program handle my fear of giving up my favorite foods?

Our program emphasizes mindful eating and doesn't restrict your diet. We also offer resources on tasty, healthy snacks and creative fun food planning sessions with dietitians.

How does the program ensure I won't feel hungry?

Our plans are built on quality, not restriction, and we teach you how to listen to your body and make informed food choices.

How does the program address emotional eating?

Beyond strategies learned in Nutrition classes  you will learn relevant strategies in our mental wellness classes to address and overcome any emotional or behavioral barriers to healthy eating.

View Our Programs

Salus Movement Program

Helping you feel confident in your own body again.

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Mental Wellness Program

The body achieves what the mind believes.

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Salus Nutrition Program

Nourish your Heart. Nurture your Health

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